Jamf: The Standard for
Managing and Securing
Apple at work

A complete solution for device management, user identity and security.

Jamf is the standard for managing and securing Apple at work

Jamf is trusted by 71,000+ businesses, schools and hospitals, managing and securing over 30 million devices to maximize their tech initiatives. With Jamf you can manage all of your Apple devices and secure them to stay protected against security threats. Security for mobile devices now expand to ensure the same solution is available to Android. Industry leaders across the globe choose Jamf because it is the only solution to deliver device management, user identity and endpoint protection all in one.

Manage Devices

• Zero-touch deployment
• Mobile Device Management (MDM)
• Application management
• Inventory management
• Self Service: company-owned app catalogue

Secure Endpoints and Network Access

• Identity and access management
• Endpoint protection
• Threat prevention and remediation
• Zero Trust Network Access (ZTNA)
• Security visibility and compliance

But you can take it one step further with Trusted Access. Trusted Access, a journey or maturity model that is achieved by incorporating multiple Jamf products that will improve your security posture and user experience, ensures that only trusted users on enrolled, safe devices can access company data. This dramatically increases the security of your modern workplace while streamlining work for your users.

Trusted Access can be achieved by:

  • Requiring only authorized users are granted access on enrolled devices
  • Providing a secure connection to corporate apps and data
  • Delivering comprehensive modern security to defend against an evolving threat landscape

And all of this is possible with Jamf.

Why pair Jamf with Apple?

With over 20 years of experience, Jamf is the only management and security solution of scale that remotely connects, manages and protects Apple users and devices

Why Jamf?

Once you enrol in the program, our in-house experts will get in touch with you for technical and business discovery, where they will review your:

Manage devices

Device management solutions for Apple

Got Apple devices? Jamf has a solution for you.

As more organizations offer their employees a choice in work technology, the demand for Apple continues to grow. And with every Apple device, organizations need to offer users secure access to the resources they need, empower IT with a management solution that delivers the functionality required in today’s modern work environment, and provide the peace of mind that devices and data are protected at all times.

Also, Jamf helps to maximize the impact of Apple technology in education and deliver a personalized learning experience to each and every student. Whether you’re offering a 1-to-1 iPad initiative, shared-device model or searching for an alternative to pen and paper assessment formats, Jamf helps schools engage with students in new ways and deliver an active learning environment with iPad, Mac and Apple TV.

So, regardless of the industry, size or complexity of your organization, Jamf has an Apple device management solution for you.

Management solution for businesses

If your environment calls for enterprise-level features and functionality, Jamf Pro is the answer.

Management solution for schools

Jamf School empowers educators to manage devices from the classroom. Teacher, Parent and Student apps are included.

Secure devices

Complete and holistic device security with Jamf

Keep your devices, connections and organizational data protected from cyber threats, while keeping user privacy safe.

Apple builds one of the most secure out-of-the-box platforms on the market. However, Apple’s rapid growth and adoption in the enterprise makes Apple an increasingly-appealing target for determined attackers. Jamf delivers true, purpose-built Zero Trust Network Access (ZTNA). Therefore, security controls extend far beyond the office’s network perimeter and change the experience of the modern workplace. Jamf connects users with their applications and protects devices from being compromised through mobile threat detection and zero-day phishing prevention, as well as covering endpoint compliance and antivirus needs by preventing malware.

Did you know?

security problem for organizations today is stolen login credentials.
of all data breaches involve stolen or weak passwords.
of budgets are spent on eliminating compromised credentials yet >80% of all breaches originate there.

Identity, Authentication and Zero Trust Network Access (ZTNA)

Users can easily authenticate to their Mac, mobile device and access to resources through a seamless experience with just a single set of cloud-based identity credentials. If your users would be more productive with one password and identity to access everything they need, or if you want to replace legacy enterprise VPN and conditional access workflows, there is no better solution for Apple and non-Apple devices than Jamf Connect. In education, whether in a Mac lab or a digital classroom, schools can allow students secure resource access with a single username and password.

Endpoint security, modern mobile threat defense

If protecting users, devices and company data from Mac security threats is your goal, Jamf Protect can be implemented without any interference to the user experience for both employees in businesses as students and teachers at schools. Also, you get insights in what content is accessed on company devices and how much mobile data is being used, which can then be used for enforcing data policies and blocking access to unwanted content. Jamf Protect is purpose-built for Apple, but offers the same protection to mobile devices running Android or Windows.

Content filtering and network threat prevention for schools

Block unsafe content and malicious attacks so that students can learn safely anywhere.

Is your Jamf Pro environment optimized?

Unlock its full potential with our Health Check service.
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